Every Day Should be Earth Day
Even though Earth Day 2013 has come and gone, at GreenBy3, we think we should observe Earth Day every day — all 365 of them. We love that when the annual Earth Day celebration rolls around, everyone gets excited about recycling everything from plastic bottles to electronics; composting; making something new from something old; walking or carpooling instead of driving; using natural products and cleaners; using reusable shopping bags, and much more. We love that people come out in force for the celebration. EarthDay.org says Earth Day was established in 1970 and more than a billion people worldwide celebrate it each year. But … just imagine the impact if all those people maintained their enthusiasm for the environment every day of the year. GreenBy3 has several friends who do. One friend in particular grows her own fruits and vegetables, unplugs everything unless it’s in use, recycles and composts so much, her trash can is an old coffee can and she never uses her disposal. She doesn’t have a plastic grocery bag...
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