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Posted on Jun 26, 2013 in GreenBy3 Blog, GreenBy3 Stuff

Earthquake Drains Installed at Crisis Ministries’ Job Site

1,400 earthquake drains are being installed into the ground where Crisis Ministries’ new 30,000-square-foot men’s shelter and soup kitchen will be built.

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A worker places a vertical drain wrapped in filtered fabric into the insertion mandrel.


Earthquake drains are used to mitigate the hazards associated with liquefaction – a process that occurs during seismic activity where water fills in the spaces between individual soil particles and causes the ground to become extremely loose and unstable.

The drains are inserted into the ground using a heavy-gauge steel insertion mandrel which vibrates during ground penetration. As the mandrel forces the drainage tubes into the ground the granular soils surrounding the tubes are compacted. Furthermore, these drains open up drainage paths within soil layers and strengthen potentially weak or unstable areas within the soil.

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Installation of earthquake drains at the site of Crisis Ministries’ new Men’s Shelter and Soup Kitchen.

1,600 Red flags mark the spot where Earthquake Drains will be inserted into the ground

1,400 Red flags mark the spot where earthquake drains will be inserted into the ground

The earthquake drains will ultimately reduce the risk of structural damage caused by an earthquake.

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